Gets Inspired

Gets Inspired

rotten bat in a cereal box

What !!!   A  Rotten Bat in a Cereal Box !

( a personal comment of an updated topic )


What a nightmare for a seventeenth girl when she wants to eat her cereal in the morning and find out there is a rotten bat inside the cereal. She has a lot more cereal boxes in her kitchen. She said “I don’t want to eat any of them at all again !!”.
She has already reported this problem to the producer of the cereal and they want to investigate further about that incident.

What can we learn from this ?  ( please add more suggestions /opinion of your own in the comment below )
- pray first before we eat something.
- check again our food before we put in to our mouth. If there is something strange, stop eating.

- buying fast food outside is less healthy than we make it ourselves at home with fresh ingredients.

 -   if that happen to you, report it to the producer and also to the news station, so many people know and could be more careful in eating something.

