Gets Inspired

Gets Inspired

Simple Present Tense - Verb

Tense – simple present tense [verb]  - 1

Name               : ________________________________
Date                : ________________________________

Examples :
+ ______I see Hermon at the dance___________________________
- ______I do not see Hermon at the dance______________________
? ______Do I_see Hermon at the dance ?______________________

+ She  always reminds you._________________________________
- she does not always remind you____________________________
? does she always remind you ?_____________________________

  • + you always take a bus when it rains
- ______________________________________________________
? ______________________________________________________
  • + andi always works hard.
- ______________________________________________________
  • + Mrs. Shinta  teaches English
? ______________________________________________________
  • + I go to hospital today, sir.
- ______________________________________________________
? ______________________________________________________
  • + she sleeps at 7 PM
- ______________________________________________________
? ______________________________________________________
  • + indro wears his black shoes.
? ______________________________________________________
  • + they buy a new house.
- ______________________________________________________
  • + we buy that umbrella.
- ______________________________________________________
? ______________________________________________________
  • + Nirina  breaks that window.
- ______________________________________________________
? ______________________________________________________
  • + my father comes to your house
- ______________________________________________________
? ______________________________________________________
  • + Peter hears your voice.
? ______________________________________________________
  • + I  make my own dresses.
- ______________________________________________________
  • + Rini tells an Indonesian story
- ______________________________________________________
? ______________________________________________________
  • + Hendra runs faster than David
- ______________________________________________________
? ______________________________________________________

Tense – simple present tense [verb] - 2

Name               : ________________________________
Date                : ________________________________

Examples :
+ ______I see Hermon at the dance___________________________
- ______I do not see Hermon at the dance______________________
? ______Do I_see Hermon at the dance ?______________________

+ She  always reminds you._________________________________
- she does not always remind you____________________________
? does she always remind you ?_____________________________

  • + I go today.
- ______________________________________________________
? ______________________________________________________
  • + she helps you and john 
- ______________________________________________________
  • + he waits for the bus
? ______________________________________________________
  • + they decide to go on a strike.
- ______________________________________________________
? ______________________________________________________
  • + john desires to be a patriot of my country.
- ______________________________________________________
? ______________________________________________________
  • + welly catches that dog
? ______________________________________________________
  • + romy and rafael see the sign
- ______________________________________________________
  • + you see the traffic light
- ______________________________________________________
? ______________________________________________________
  • + I appreciate myself.
- ______________________________________________________
? ______________________________________________________
  • + mother believes it.
- ______________________________________________________
? ______________________________________________________
  • + he gets a better job.
? ______________________________________________________
  • + we intend to work in Japan.
- ______________________________________________________
  • + sarah knows what time it is.
- ______________________________________________________
? ______________________________________________________
  • + dedy knows your name
- ______________________________________________________
? ______________________________________________________
  • she remembers you
- ______________________________________________________
? ______________________________________________________

Tense – simple present tense [verb] - 3

Name               : ________________________________
Date                : ________________________________

Examples :
+ ______I see Hermon at the dance___________________________
- ______I do not see Hermon at the dance______________________
? ______Do I_see Hermon at the dance ?______________________

+ She  always reminds you._________________________________
- she does not always remind you____________________________
? does she always remind you ?_____________________________

  • + I come here at night.
- ______________________________________________________
? ______________________________________________________
  • + I arrive here with my mom
- ______________________________________________________
  • + I have five sisters
? ______________________________________________________
  • + I want my picture taken.
- ______________________________________________________
? ______________________________________________________
  • + I see something I like.
- ______________________________________________________
? ______________________________________________________
  • + I enjoy dancing very much.
? ______________________________________________________
  • + I have a driving license
- ______________________________________________________
  • + I get a crash.
- ______________________________________________________
? ______________________________________________________
  • + I guess you are right.
- ______________________________________________________
? ______________________________________________________
  • + I feel bad cold 
- ______________________________________________________
? ______________________________________________________
  • + I get up late.
? ______________________________________________________
  • + she understands me so much
- ______________________________________________________
  • + I find this bag
- ______________________________________________________
? ______________________________________________________
  • + I forget to bring your tie
- ______________________________________________________
? ______________________________________________________
  • I expect to enter the university.
- ______________________________________________________
? ______________________________________________________

Tense – simple present tense [verb] - 4

Name               : ________________________________
Date                : ________________________________

Examples :
+ ______I see Hermon at the dance___________________________
- ______I do not see Hermon at the dance______________________
? ______Do I_see Hermon at the dance ?______________________

+ he  tells you something_._________________________________
- he does not tell you something ____________________________
? does he tell you  something   ?_____________________________

  • + ______________________________________________________
- we  do not find this bag___________________________________
? ______________________________________________________
  • + she gets hungry around midday.
- ______________________________________________________
  • + I get over my illness several times.
? ______________________________________________________
  • + ______________________________________________________
- ______________________________________________________
? does roy get up late ?_____________________________________
  • + they guess you are right.
- ______________________________________________________
? ______________________________________________________
  • + arman gets an accident
? ______________________________________________________
  • + I have a driving license.
- ______________________________________________________
  • + sinta and susi  like to stay here.
- ______________________________________________________
? ______________________________________________________
  • + joko  studies math in this room.
- ______________________________________________________
? ______________________________________________________
  • + ______________________________________________________
- I do not have five sisters___________________________________
? ______________________________________________________
  • + Tukul  finds my lost ring.
? ______________________________________________________
  • +  Michael sells my ring.
- ______________________________________________________
  • + they have to work at the library.
- ______________________________________________________
? ______________________________________________________
  • + I have very little money.
- ______________________________________________________
? ______________________________________________________
  • + _____________________________________________________
- ______________________________________________________
? does rima hear you have a new job now ?____________________

Tense – simple present tense [verb] - 5

Name               : ________________________________
Date                : ________________________________

Please translate into good English ...

  • kami berharap kamu dapat mengerjakan test dengan baik
+ ______________________________________________________
  • saya tidak mau membayarnya
- ______________________________________________________
  • apakah Rini suka roti dan keju untuk sarapan ?
?  ______________________________________________________
  • saya sangat menyukai boneka saya
+ ______________________________________________________
  • johan tidak suka pekerjaannya
- ______________________________________________________
  • kami suka kursi itu
+ ______________________________________________________
  • kamu tidak melihat temanmu
- ______________________________________________________
  • Dono mencintai istrinya
+ ______________________________________________________
  • mereka bertemu saya di pagi hari
+ ______________________________________________________
  • apakah kamu datang pada jam 7 pagi ?
? ______________________________________________________

  • saya harus pergi sekarang
+ ______________________________________________________
  • susan perlu dasi yang baru
+ ______________________________________________________
  • apakah guru saya memerlukan lem ?
? ______________________________________________________
  • khaila tidak memakai sepatu hitam
- ______________________________________________________
  • kami selalu makan pagi jam 6.30
+ ______________________________________________________

Tense – simple present tense [verb] - 6

Name               : ________________________________
Date                : ________________________________

Please make these sentences into +, -, or ?

  • we practice English every day
- ______________________________________________________
  • I really don’t know you.
? ______________________________________________________
  • they  see him in the market
?  ______________________________________________________
  • nirmala sees  that man
? ______________________________________________________
  • I see your point
- ______________________________________________________
  • Chandra  speaks several languages
? ______________________________________________________
  • Amir  supposes  they are ill
- ______________________________________________________
  • Mario thinks he was a bus-conductor
? ______________________________________________________
  • they  think he’s English
- ______________________________________________________
  • fathur thinks  it’s going to rain
? ______________________________________________________

  • mother  thinks  she’s shaving
- ______________________________________________________
  • we think they’re Japanese
? ______________________________________________________
  • fatah  take  him to the cinema
? ______________________________________________________
  • I try to understand
- ______________________________________________________
  • we  want to do shopping
? ______________________________________________________

Tense – simple present tense [verb] - 7

Name               : ________________________________
Date                : ________________________________

Please make these sentences into +, -, or ?

  • they get a newspaper
- ______________________________________________________
  • hetty and betrik  behave in a friendly manner
- ______________________________________________________
  • hendra comes late because of an accident
?  ______________________________________________________
  • hermin comes to see me
? ______________________________________________________
  • hendy  sits  there
- ______________________________________________________
  • hengki  can take a bus to the office
? ______________________________________________________
  • heru  trusts me
- ______________________________________________________
  • she  does excellent work
? ______________________________________________________
  • he  has a job
- ______________________________________________________
  • he doesn’t want to sleep anymore
? ______________________________________________________

  • we take his advice
- ______________________________________________________
  • you want to  explain it
? ______________________________________________________
  • rika concentrates on learning English
? ______________________________________________________
  • nirina  takes  a test first
- ______________________________________________________
  • he asks  me about the accident
? ______________________________________________________
