Gets Inspired

Gets Inspired

Simple Present Tense - To Be

Tense – simple present tense [to be] - 1

Name               : ________________________________
Date                : ________________________________

Examples :
+ ______I am  Hermon ____________________________________
- ______I  am not Hermon                       ______________________
? ______am I  Hermon                ?____________________________

+ She  is nice to you______________________________________
- she is not nice to  you____________________________________
? is   she nice to you ?_____________________________________

  • + you are a handsome man

- ______________________________________________________
? ______________________________________________________

  • + sinta is a good girl

- ______________________________________________________

  • + Mrs. Shinta  and anwar are mother and son

? ______________________________________________________

  • + I am a student of SDN 3 Bekasi

- ______________________________________________________
? ______________________________________________________

  • + she is a smart  girl

- ______________________________________________________
? ______________________________________________________

  • +  indro is a  tall boy

? ______________________________________________________

  • + they are naughty boys

- ______________________________________________________

  • + we are diligent students

- ______________________________________________________
? ______________________________________________________

  • + Nirina  is clever

- ______________________________________________________
? ______________________________________________________

  • + my father is a handsome man

- ______________________________________________________
? ______________________________________________________

  • + Peter is young and smart

? ______________________________________________________

  • + I  am an intelligent student

- ______________________________________________________

  • + Rini is afraid of lion

- ______________________________________________________
? ______________________________________________________

  • + Hendra is lazy and stupid

- ______________________________________________________
? ______________________________________________________

Tense – simple present tense [to be]- 2

Name               : ________________________________
Date                : ________________________________

Examples :
 ______Saya bukan Hermon______________________________
 ______I  am not Hermon                       _____________________

Dia [pr] baik terhadapmu_________________________________
She  is nice to you______________________________________

  •  Sandra takut terhadap  singa dan beruang


  • andi adalah murid yang pandai


  • apakah mereka siswa yang malas ?


  • saya adalah murid SD 7 Bekasi


  • apakah dia [ lk] seorang yang rajin ?


  • indra adalah anak yang pendek


  • mereka nakal sekali


  • apakah buku itu berat ?


  • sandy aulia cantik


  • ayah saya adalah orang yang baik


  • johan adalah anak yang cerdas dan rajin


  • apakah sepatu kamu hitam ?


  • mengapa rumah kamu kotor ?


  • apakah kamu rajin ?


  •  mereka tidak sakit


Tense – simple present tense [to be]- 3

Name               : ________________________________
Date                : ________________________________

Examples :
 ______sepatu saya  mahal_______________________________
 ______my shoes are expensive                      ________________

Dia [pr] adalah seorang gadis yang cantik____________________
She  is a pretty girl______________________________________

  • johan adalah anak laki-laki yang berani


  • mobil andi berwarna merah


  • apakah rumah kamu jauh ?


  • kucing saya gemuk


  • apakah dia [ lk] seorang guru ?


  • merry adalah gadis yang pandai


  • teman-teman kami ada di Ancol


  • apakah jam tangan mu mahal ?


  • sepeda anton berwarna biru


  • paman saya adalah seorang polisi


  • juniarto bukan seorang anak yang nakal


  • apakah bukumu ada di dalam tas ?


  • apakah ibu mu ada di rumah ?


  • apakah kamu sakit ?


  •  sekolah mereka tidak dekat


 Tense – simple present tense [to be] - 4

Name               : ________________________________
Date                : ________________________________

  • + she is a naughty girl

? ______________________________________________________

  • + agus is a bad boy

- ______________________________________________________

  • + Mrs. Gloria and anton are aunt and nephew

? ______________________________________________________

  • + we are students

- ______________________________________________________

  • + they are smart  girls

- ______________________________________________________
? ______________________________________________________

  • +  I am a  tall boy

? ______________________________________________________

  • + they are naughty boys

- ______________________________________________________

  • + we are diligent students

? ______________________________________________________

  • + shanty is clever

? ______________________________________________________

  • + my brother is a handsome man

- ______________________________________________________

  • + putri is young and smart

? ______________________________________________________

  • + david is an intelligent student

- ______________________________________________________

  • + my father is afraid of lion

- ______________________________________________________
? ______________________________________________________

  • + Imam is lazy and stupid

- ______________________________________________________

  • arman and agus are rich farmers

- ______________________________________________________
? ______________________________________________________
